SPECIAL INSTALLATION NOTE FOR 68K Macintosh computers (Macs without Power PC processor):
Web Buddy requires the Extension, "Shared Library Manager", to be properly installed in the Extensions Folder in your System Folder. Apple Computer has included Shared Library Manager with MacOS since version 7.5.2, and various software products may have already installed this on your system. If you do not have this Extension already, please do the following:
1) Install Web Buddy (double click on the Web Buddy Installer)
2) Hit the "Quit" button after Web Buddy Installer has completed
3) Run the installer located in the "ASLM Installer" folder (installs "Shared Library Manager") by double-clicking on it. We have provided this in your 'Web Buddy' Folder on your hard drive.
4) RESTART (Web Buddy and Shared Library Manager will not work until you have restarted your Mac.)
Installation Troubleshooting:
- It is always HIGHLY recommended that you Restart your Mac with the Shift key pressed to disable your extensions BEFORE you start the installation process.
For general information on the many uses and benefits of Web Buddy,
please refer to your Web Buddy "QuickStart" card which is included
with your package. This also includes your registration
number and key which are necessary for installation.
If you have any other problems or questions, please contact DataViz at